In-Home Care

Home is where the heart is, where we spend so much of our time. Home can mean family, safety or comfort. When you are at home you want to keep it the way you like it.

Two images; happy disabled man with down syndrome sitting on couch smiling at camera. Image 2 of disabled woman in wheelchair using laptop and smiling at camera.

Live life your way

At Permalink, we believe that your home is a sanctuary of comfort and familiarity. Our In-Home Care service is designed to uphold this belief by providing comprehensive support in your most comfortable environment – your home. 

We understand that home means different things to different people: a place of family, safety, comfort, and personalisation. Our goal is to maintain this essence, ensuring that your home continues to be a space where you can live life your way.

Disabled man in wheelchair sitting in living room with dog
Happy man with down syndrome in kitchen with carer looking at food cooking in oven

How we provide In-Home Care

Our dedicated team approaches in-home care with a deep sense of respect and commitment. We understand the importance of maintaining the character of your home while providing the necessary support. Our staff are trained to offer assistance with a range of household tasks and personal care routines, ensuring that each service is delivered with an emphasis on preserving your dignity and respecting your personal space.

We understand that home means different things to different people: a place of family, safety, comfort, and personalisation. Our goal is to maintain this essence, ensuring that your home continues to be a space where you can live life your way.

See the ways we support you

We understand the joy of eating your favourite foods in the comfort of your home. Our staff assist with meal preparation, ensuring your dietary preferences and nutritional needs are met.

Our care staff undertake various household chores, such as cleaning, laundry, and gardening, maintaining your home in a way that aligns with your preferences.

We provide sensitive personal care, including assistance with toileting, showering, and dressing, while ensuring your privacy and comfort.

Our team ensures that your medication routines are followed accurately, providing assistance and reminders as needed.

We support your mobility within your home, ensuring your safety and independence.

After medical procedures or hospital stays, our staff provide the necessary care and support for a smooth recovery.

Disabled girl cooking in kitchen with support worker

Our commitment to your comfort and respect

At Permalink, we recognise that some daily tasks are very personal and potentially sensitive. Our care staff are highly trained to perform these duties with the utmost respect for your self-dignity. 

We treat you with the same care and concern as we would our own family, ensuring that you are comfortable and respected at all times. We focus on enabling you to do as much as you can independently, with our staff always ready to assist with any daily tasks you need help with.

We understand that home means different things to different people: a place of family, safety, comfort, and personalisation. Our goal is to maintain this essence, ensuring that your home continues to be a space where you can live life your way.

Disabled woman with down syndrome sitting on couch with carer smiling
Happy man sitting on couch at home smiling at camera

Living your best life at home

Our range of support services is designed to take the stress out of daily living, ensuring you can live your best life at home. From day-to-day assistance to more involved care, our services come to you, providing the helping hand you need, when you need it. 

Our disability support workers are there to support you in your home and community, ensuring you feel confident and safe in all aspects of your life.

Consistent and reliable support

We understand the importance of consistency in care. By keeping the same team of support staff, you won’t have to worry about unfamiliar faces or inconsistent care. You’ll get to know our team just as we get to know you, ensuring a strong, trusting relationship. 

Our support is available at all times, be it morning, day, or night. Should you wish to discuss any aspects of your care, our management team is always accessible and ready to assist.

Happy disabled woman in wheelchair with support worker both smiling at camera

How we work

Our approach at Permalink is centered around a seamless, client-focused journey. From the moment you start with us, we embark on a collaborative process tailored to your individual needs.

Our dedicated team works diligently to ensure every aspect of your care and support is aligned with your goals, adapting our services as your journey evolves. With a commitment to continuous improvement and responsiveness, we ensure that your experience with us is not just satisfactory, but empowering and transformative.

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Intake and Referral

Begin your NDIS journey with us by completing your Intake Form, setting the stage for personalised support.

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Initial Meeting

Kickstart your journey with an initial meeting to discuss your needs, following completion of your Intake Form.

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Support Allocation

We match you with the ideal Support Worker, ensuring a tailored fit to your unique preferences and requirements.

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Support Review

Your feedback is vital. We regularly review your supports and help implement any changes needed as you progress.

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Ongoing Support

Continuously enhancing your experience, we seek ongoing feedback to adapt and refine your supports over time.