What Is It
The National Disability Insurance Scheme is a national system providing individualised support for people with a permanent and significant disability, their families and carers.
The NDIS is run by the National Disability Insurance Agency, or NDIA. The NDIS is one component of the National Disability Strategy which brings community, government and industry together to address the challenges faced by people with disability, and ensures they are supported by mainstream services such as health, education and transport and the wider community.
The aim of the NDIS is simple: To provide Australians who are born with or acquire a permanent and significant disability with the reasonable and necessary supports they need to live and enjoy an ordinary life. The vision of the NDIS is also simple: To build independence, and increase opportunities and social participation for people living with disability in Australia.
The NDIS consists of two parts: NDIS funded supports for eligible participants, and Information, Linkages and Capacity Building (or ILC which is all about connecting your with your community) – for all people with disability.
People with disability who are eligible to become NDIS participants will receive funded support. Each NDIS participant has a plan that focuses on building their independence, and increasing opportunities. This could mean participating in activities in your community, getting a job or learning a new skill. The important thing is that the participant has choice and control of the supports they need to live the lift they want.
By 2024 over 630,000 people with disability living in Australia will have a funded plan under the NDIS. The second part of the NDIS is Information, Linkages and Capacity Building or ILC.
We will work with you and your family to identify your disability services eligibility under the NDIS and clearly define your preferred outcomes. We help you to plan and steer you through the NDIS application, prepare you for your NDIS meetings and reviews. We’ll assist you to keep track of your goals and milestones while we support you in achieving those goals and celebrating those milestones.
Suite 210, 12 Corporate Drive
Heatherton VIC 3202
Suite 821, 1 Queens Rd
Melbourne VIC 3004
Suite 1237, 1 Queens Rd
Melbourne VIC 3004
164 Rosebank Avenue
Clayton South, VIC 3169
435 Nepean Highway
Frankston VIC 3199
Suite 415,
111 Overton Road
Williams Landing VIC 3207
84 Hotham Street
Preston VIC 3072
Suite 1421, 1 Queens Rd
Melbourne VIC 3004
Suite 1B, 56 Pitt Street
Sydney NSW 2000
477 Boundary Street,
Spring Hill QLD 4000
Permalink Support Services is a registered National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) Provider, proudly offering a wide range of supports across Melbourne.