The NDIS Review

As the NDIS continues to evolve, it’s imperative for providers and participants alike to stay informed about changes and updates. One such significant update is the extension of the consultation period for the Annual Pricing Review. This extension allows stakeholders to contribute insights, ensuring NDIS pricing fairness and effectiveness.

The NDIS Extended Consultation Period:

The NDIS has announced an extension to the consultation period for the Annual Pricing Review, granting providers and stakeholders more time for feedback. This extension underscores the NDIS’ commitment to transparency and inclusivity, ensuring all voices shape the future of disability support services.

The Importance of Provider Consultation:

Effective consultation with NDIS service providers is crucial in shaping the pricing framework to reflect the realities of delivering disability support. Providers bring valuable insights and experiences to the table, allowing for a more informed and balanced review process. By extending the consultation period, the NDIA demonstrates its commitment to actively engaging with stakeholders and considering their feedback.

Permalink Support Services:

At Permalink Support Services, we prioritise empowering NDIS participants to achieve their goals and live fulfilling lives. Understanding their unique challenges, our team provides personalised support tailored to individual needs.

How We Can Help:

Person-Centred Planning: We work closely with participants to develop individualised support plans that prioritise their goals, preferences, and aspirations.

Skilled Support Workers: Count on our dedicated team, extensively trained and compassionate, for superior care and assistance.

Flexible Services: From daily living support to community engagement and employment goal assistance, our services are customised to meet participants’ diverse needs.

Assistance and Empowerment: We champion our participants’ rights, ensuring their voices are heard in decisions affecting their lives. Through empowerment, we enable informed choices about support services.

Are you an NDIS participant seeking support to achieve your goals? Contact us today to learn how we can assist you on your journey. Together, we can turn your aspirations into reality and create a future filled with possibilities. Don’t hesitate to reach out and take the first step toward a brighter tomorrow!

Moreover, you can follow us on Social Media to see our everyday support.

Contact Us

We’re here to listen, support, and guide you on your journey towards greater independence and wellbeing.