Job Active Program

What's involved

When you join our Job Active Program, you will be offered open employment and have a 1:1 participation with a Support Worker, who will be assisting you in completing your admin tasks. You will also receive additional support from Students completing placement.

Permalink will connect you with a Disability Employment Service who will conduct a Support Wage Assessment. If you are eligible, we will then commence access and onboarding.

We advise a minimum 8-hour work participation with a 1:1 worker assistance onsite.

Our available job placements

We currently have employment opportunities available in the below categories. This is an exciting opportunity for you to experience office-based roles and learn administrative skills, in a registered NDIS Provider business.

Social Media Design

Marketing, Social Media & Content Creation

Office Administration

Human resources, compliance and day-to-day office administration.

Provider Relationship

Networking and marketing partnerships with local NDIS Providers.

Event Coordination

Organising and participating with Monash, Kingston, and Hume Councils’ quarterly community events.


Should you have a participant or are a participant that is interested and is currently with a Disability Employment Service and has gone through a Supported Wages Assessment, kindly fill out an Intake Form and the participants NDIS Plan.

Should you have a participant or are a participant that is interested and is not with a Disability Employment Services, please let us know and we will connect them to one of our partners. They will assist you with eligibility requirements and assessments.

Common questions

What is a Job Active Program?

Providing job opportunities to participants with paid open employment in an office environment, supported 1:1.

How many hours will the participant do?

Minimum of 8 hours and a maximum of 20 hours per week. The participant will be able to divide their hours throughout their working week into 4 hour blocks if they choose to do so. For example: Monday 9:00 AM-1:00 PM & Wednesday 1:00 PM-5:00 PM. The schedule that the participant chooses needs to be according to their pre-assessed benchmark hours approved by Centrelink.

What happens if the participant cannot complete their benchmark hours?

As per their pre-assessed benchmark hours provided by Centrelink and agreement, we will offer opportunities to be able to reschedule a missed day of work to another day within the week or the week after. A discussion will be held, if circumstances change.

How does the program work?
The participant will be offered open employment and have a 1:1 participation with a Support Worker, who will be assisting them in completing admin tasks. The participant will also receive additional support from Students completing placement.
Will this affect their Centrelink Disability Pension?
Centrelink allows a participant to earn $180.00 a fortnight, apart from their Disability Support Pension, hence the pension does not get affected. However, if participants go over their 12-hour working roster, it will affect their Disability Support Pension from Centrelink. For every dollar above the threshold, Centrelink will reduce 50 cents, but overall a participant will be earning 50 cents more from Permalink when this occurs.
Where will the Support Worker payment come out from?
It will come out of their Core Support Funding- Social, Economic and Community Participation, Supports in Employment-Weekday Daytime 04_801_0133_5_1 or Capacity Building Support categories. Permalink charges the standard NDIS rate for a Support Worker which $67.56 per hour. 04_801_0133_5_1 Employment Care Team will also be added for 15 minutes per week. Employment Care Team includes participant report-writing, employment guidance and advice, goal assessments and planning and
coordination of employment services
Ex: $67.56 x 8 hours= $540.48 (Supports in Employment- Support Worker)
Ex: $67.56 x 15 minutes per week= $16.89 (Supports in Employment- Employment Care Team)
Total Engagement Weekly: $557.37
How much will the participant get paid?
$15.60 per hour + 11.5% Superannuation + PLSA (Portable Long Service Leave)
Clerks Private Sector Award 2020 - Schedule D-Supported Wage System.
Is the employment time limited?

Yes. As each participant undergoes an annual supported wage assessment, the timeline of employment that Permalink may offer, will be for a period of 1 year at a time. After 1 year has been completed, another assessment will be conducted to qualify for the next year. Part-Time will be offered to each participant, as part of Casual conversion.

Where will the participant work from?

The participant will given opportunities to work from Clayton South, Melbourne office or Williams Landing office. Work-from-home options are also available.

What qualifications do the Support Workers have?
  • Certificate IV in Disability Care
  • Certificate IV in Community Services
  • Certificate Ill or IV in Individual Support
All Support Workers have a valid Police Check, First Aid & CPR Certification, Working with Children Check and the now mandatory NDIS Worker Screener.
How is the participant monitored for performance standards?
Quarterly employee evaluations and reviews are conducted, where participants sit down and discuss their progress. Participants are also asked what areas they are struggling with, what assistance they need and what they want to achieve in the weeks to come.
A copy of their employee evaluation and review will be sent to their Support Coordinator and/or Plan Nominee.
Are there deadlines for the participant to complete work tasks?
Yes. Each participant will be provided their daily work tasks and be supported by their 1:1 Support Worker, that will guide and assist them throughout their shift.
Do you have working from home options?

Yes. For those participants who choose to be part of the Social Media and Support Connection Department may do so. Participants must have their own laptop/computer, where software and log-ins will be installed. Unfortunately, Permalink does not offer participants a laptop or computer. Participants will then need to attend to the Clayton South Office to complete induction which is a one time 8 hours of training and be introduced to their 1:1 Support Worker.

What is your cancellation policy?
Short Notice Cancellation - 7 days
This policy typically applies to DSW supports where a participant has provided less than seven (7) days' notice of cancellation for a support for a support, or if a participant does not show up for a scheduled support within a reasonable time or is not present at the agreed place within a reasonable time when the provider is
travelling to deliver the support.
The NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits document indicates that providers can claim for a Short Notice Cancellation - 7 clear business days, in respect of that support item.
The provider was not able to find alternative billable work for the relevant worker and are required to pay the worker for the time that would have been spent providing the support."
PB NDIS Pricing Arrangements and Price Limits 2024-2025 page 23/95
  • Participants who provide less than 7 days of notice for any cancellations, before the service start time will incur a fee of up to 100% of the total booked service time.
  • Cancellation upon staff arrival or no-show cancellations will incur a fee of 100%.
No Show occurs when you are not at the program or unavailable for a scheduled
This is to ensure we can still provide ongoing programs for all participants, avoid ratio fee changes and pay our amazing support workers for the booking if required.
We have reviewed this policy to ensure it is in line with the NDIS guidelines on cancellations.
Payment schedule

Your award:

MA000002: Clerks Private Sector Award 2020 - Schedule D - Supported Wage System

Your classifications:

Job Active Administrator - Level 1, Year 1


Inclusive of 25% Casual Loading in lieu of entitlements

EAP Programs

Shift Care App

I'm interested! Where do we begin?

Kindly fill out a Permalink Intake Form along with the participants NDIS Plan and send to Permalink will need to connect you with a Disability Employment Service who will conduct a Support Wage Assessment. If the participant is eligible, Permalink will then commence access and onboarding.

Permalink will provide a Service Quotation based on the hours of Supported Employment, where approval is required from the Support Coordinator/ Plan Nominee. An invitation is then sent to attend onboarding/training, where an Employee Contract and Service Agreement is created and ready for signing.

Can I schedule an appointment to discuss this further?

Absolutely! We are open Monday-Friday 9:00AM-5:00PM. We can arrange for a in-person meeting or Zoom meeting.

Interested? Please send an enquiry to or contact us here.